Kathleen Sebelius

Obama administration drops objection to Plan B ruling

Conflict & Justice

President Barack Obama’s government has dropped its opposition to a court decision that allows the Plan B emergency contraceptive to be bought over-the-counter by women of any age. Proponents had argued the pill was safe and a useful safety net against unwanted pregnancy.

Judge rules Plan B must be available to all without a prescription

Health & Medicine

Advocates criticize Obama’s second-term cabinet picks for lack of diversity

Global Politics

Republicans vow to continue fight against health care law

Global Politics

Obama announces compromise on contraceptive coverage by religious organizations

Global Politics

FDA, at the behest of HHS, denies permission to sell Plan B in front of the counter

Health & Medicine

The FDA had been making plans to allow TEVA Pharmaceuticals to sell its Plan B contraceptive in front of the pharmacy counter to women of any age. But Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius intervened at the last minute to prevent it.

Governors ask feds to reclassify marijuana as medicine; government balks

Health & Medicine

Two governors want the federal government to “down-schedule” marijuana as a drug with approved medical uses. But the Health and Human Services administration is resisting. Opponents of down-scheduling say there are marijuana-based medications already on the market that are safe and effective.

It’s official: (swine) flu shots for everyone

Health & Medicine

The U.S. government has purchased 195 million doses of approved H1N1 vaccine to give out for free to anyone who wants it.

Selling the Affordable Care Act

The implementation of the Affordable Care Act is the responsibility of the Department of Health and Human Services, which largely writes the regulations; oversees notifying hospitals and providers about what is changing; provides insurers with fair warning of new regulations and requirements; and heads up the national campaign to inform the public. In a controversial […]

How Does the Affordable Care Act Affect Independent Care Providers?

Yesterday, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services told us: “For a lot of people who either don’t have affordable insurance coverage through their workplaces or have been in and out of the market, what is going to roll out starting October 1 with open enrollment is really, really good news.” But is it […]