Julia King

The World

Grandma’s Autumn Colors

Commentator Julia King reflects on the passing of her grandmother in the autumn. The colors of fall provide an opportunity to explore the eternal link of nature’s continuous life cycle. Ms. King is a writer who lives in Goshen, Indiana and comes to us from the Great Lakes Radio Consortium.

The World


The World

Good Ole Fashioned Eco-Tax

The World

Socially Responsible Shopping

The World

Wheelchair-Friendly Path

The World

Beating the Heat

Commentator Julia King laments that with the use of air conditioning in the home, her neighbors in Goshen, Indiana no longer sit out on the front porch or engage in other traditional summer cool-off escapes.

The World

Teamsters & ANWR

With the International Brotherhood of Teamsters lobbying heavily for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, commentator Julia King is wondering what happened to the fledgling alliances between unions and environmentalists.

The World

Hand Me Downs

Commentator Julia King tells her own story of the changing seasons and of the hand-me-downs that come with the cold.

The World

Wal-Mart: Green Claims, Red Face

Commentator Julia King took up her local Wal-Mart’s offer to ask them about their “Green Coordinator.” She ended up feeling like she’d been taken for a ride.