Jennifer Rubin

Gingrich picks up newspaper endorsement in New Hampshire

Global Politics

The Union-Leader of Manchester, N.H., endorsed Newt Gingrich in the GOP presidential primary, but conservative opinion blogger Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post said conservatives are too fractured to challenge Mitt Romney.

The bailout and the debate

Global Politics

GOP tries to get down to business

Global Politics

Vice President Santorum? A Look Ahead to the Republican Pick for V.P.

Newt Gingrich Receives New Hampshire Newspaper’s Endorsement

The World

Rep. John Boehner to Take Gavel as House Speaker

Global Politics

With the 112th Congress starting this week, Ohio’s Rep. John Boehner is set to take his seat as the new Speaker of the House. What kind of Speaker he’ll be remains to be seen. Will he follow in the steps of Newt Gingrich, who became Speaker when Republicans took control of the House back in […]