Isabel Wilkerson

Tourists at the mingling with Stone Mountain and colorful trees in the background

Stone Mountain — home to the largest Confederate monument in the US — is celebrating its first Juneteenth


Officials say it will be a symbolic triumph on Saturday when Stone Mountain, Georgia, celebrates the holiday that marks the end of slavery in the US.

In her new book, author Isabel Wilkerson, right, argues a caste system — not race — explains inequality in the United States.

Author Isabel Wilkerson: Caste, not race, is the ‘bones’ of inequality in the US

Racial migration, desegregation underway in America

Has the Case of Trayvon Martin made Sanford the New Birmingham?

Southern Cities Become Less Segregated

Census Reveals Great Reversal of ‘Great Migration’

The latest Census confirms that once-segregated Southern cities like Atlanta, Dallas, Houston and Miami are luring African Americans from northern metro areas like New York and Chicago. Today,  57 percent of the nation’s black population now lives in the South, which is the highest it’s been since 1960.  Why are we witnessing a Great Reversal of the […]