Herman Cain

Tax reform a popular topic among presidential candidates

Global Politics

With another debate on tap, Tuesday night in New Hampshire, Republicans and Democrats are lining up to unveil their plans for reforming the tax code. That reform is needed, they all agree. But each has their own prescription for change.

VIDEO: Mitt Romney to begin receiving Secret Service protection

Global Politics

VIDEO: With S.C. Primary looming, voters have much to think about

Global Politics

Rick Santorum tries to capitalize on Iowa showing as New Hampshire primary looms

Global Politics

New poll says Tea Party voters willing to back eventual GOP nominee

Global Politics

Is it Ron Paul’s turn to play the role of Mitt Romney challenger?

Global Politics

The Republican presidential primary has taken a predictable path. A candidate rises and falls, only to be replaced by another, all in an effort to find a candidate Other Than Mitt Romney. Ron Paul is the latest to see his poll numbers climbing.

Cain suspends campaign, hints at endorsement; could it be good news for Obama?

Global Politics

Over the weekend, Herman Cain suspended his campaign and hinted that he would issue an endorsement soon. Most Cain supporters seem to be migrating to Newt Gingrich. Could a Gingrich victory ultimately be a win for Barack Obama?

Herman Cain facing accusations of decade-long extramarital affair

Global Politics

Ginger White, a single mom in Atlanta, says for 13 years she and Herman Cain engaged in an extramarital affair. Cain admits knowing the woman but vehemently denied the affair.

Newt Gingrich takes his step into presidential primary limelight

Global Politics

New polling is out showing Newt Gingrich is the front-runner in the race to be the Republican presidential nominee, just in time for the 11th debate between the candidates. With his status at front-runner confirmed, it’ll most likely be his turn to take the arrows that comes at leading candidates.

Gingrich surging, Cain falling as presidential elections ramp up

Global Politics

With the first contents of the Republican presidential primaries approaching, a new name has poped up as the most likely to challenge Mitt Romney, and it’s not a new name. Newt Gingrish is polling tied with Romney and last month’s media darling, Herman Cain, is falling in the polls.