Helen Palmer

Recent solar panel adopter sees success in eliminating electric bill


Helen Palmer installed solar panels on the roof of her home in 2012. And since then, basically, she hasn’t seen an electric bill. In fact, when last she checked, she had a credit of nearly $43 on her bill. She hasn’t paid off her initial investment, but she’s making progress.

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Hult Prize Competition

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Thermal Imaging

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Hand-Me-Down Tomatoes

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Going Solar

The sun gives us free energy. A lot of incentives and a little investment might enable you to tap its power and slash your electricity bill.

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Hand-Me-Down Tomatoes

They’re beautiful, delicious, all sizes, shapes and colors, and celebrated in the new book “The Heirloom Tomato: From Garden to Table.”

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Living on Earth senior producer Helen Palmer finds beekeeping has bitter and sweet rewards.

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Low-Carbon Diet

In the absence of a national policy, citizens are doing it themselves – taking action to cut their carbon footprint.

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Healthy Food?

Plants are being studied as possible factories for new pharmaceutical drugs.