George H.W. Bush

A map of the United States showing blue and red-colored states as the votes for the 2020 election are announced.

Election map: Biden edges closer to US election win as Trump mounts legal challenges

Former Vice President Joe Biden edged closer to victory over President Donald Trump in the US presidential race on Thursday as election officials tallied votes in the handful of states that will determine the outcome.

George H. W. Bush is shown with his hand on the bible nad right hand raised being sworn in as director of CIA.

Why we’ll miss George H.W. Bush, America’s last foreign policy president

Global Politics

Oklahoma-based PR firm plays vital role in NRA’s image

Global Politics

Iraqi-American man jailed for sending money to family in Iraq decade ago

Conflict & Justice

NAFTA, 20 years later: Florida tomato farmers struggling with competition

Election, either way, will influence America’s ‘pivot’ to Asia on foreign policy

Global Politics

President Barack Obama has announced his intention to shift America’s foreign policy away from Iraq and Afghanistan and toward China and Asia in general. That could be easier, some experts say, in a second term. But he may be boxed in by budget cuts. And what if Mitt Romney wins? What will he do?

Experts say foreign policy largely irrelevant when U.S. voters head to ballot box

Though matters of foreign policy have provided Barack Obama and Mitt Romney equal chances to batter one another, and it could be argued that a large part of the slow U.S. economic recovery is due to foreign troubles, foreign policy doesn’t amount to much for voters.

Arts advocate critical of Obama’s Turnaround Arts Initiative for select U.S. schools

Arts, Culture & Media

President Barack Obama’s administration rolled out a new program that seeks to turn around underperforming schools by integrating the arts into the core curriculum of each school. But a former federal education official and arts advocate said it’s the wrong approach to funding arts education.

As Republicans struggle over presidential nomination, declining influence of party elders is on display

Global Politics

This election cycle, most of the party’s elites are lined up behind Mitt Romney. But Romney, though ahead in the delegate count, has struggled to unify the base of the party in a way that will force his challengers out of the election. It shows how far the influence of those elites has fallen.

What should America take from Clint Eastwood’s ‘Halftime in America’ ad?

Arts, Culture & Media

Karl Rove blasted it as a taxpayer-funded Obama re-election ad. Democrats lauded it as an example of why America is great. Yet many people were left wondering what does it mean that America is at “halftime.”