David Koch

Whitehouse Koch bros

Democratic senators probe the extent of Koch brothers’ influence on Trump administration policy


As the close ties between fossil fuel billionaires Charles and David Koch and the Trump administration come to light, Democratic senators are demanding answers about how much influence the Koch brothers have had in shaping key federal policies, including the decision to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement and the shrinking of national monuments.

David H. Koch Theater

The Koch brothers open their wallets for the arts. But should arts groups take Koch money?

A woman reading on a New York City subway platform.

Ten books from The Takeaway you don’t want to miss


Wisconsin voters head to polls in Scott Walker recall election

Global Politics

Koch Industries made millions from deals with Iran

The World

Koch Industries sold millions of dollars of petrochemical equipment to Iran

Conflict & Justice

A six-month investigation by Bloomberg Markets magazine into Koch Industries has revealed the highly secretive conglomerate paid bribes to improperly win contracts around the world, and sold millions of dollars worth of petrochemical equipment to Iran.