Dan Ariely

Your tax rebate on a debit card

The best ways to get Americans to spend the $300 billion in tax cuts in President Obama’s stimulus package.

Are Holiday Bonuses a Good Investment for Companies?

A Sign of the Times: Underearners Anonymous

The World

How the Global Economic Jitters Affect Consumer Spending

Method Behind Market Madness

The World

A rational argument for financial oversight

Conflict & Justice

President Obama was on Wall Street yesterday pushing for stronger oversight of the financial industry, which he set forth as the best way to prevent another massive financial collapse. Are watchful eyes really all we need to keep us honest?

The World

Grading the teacher’s teachers


Under a proposed new rating system, Texas schools that train teachers will be held accountable for their graduates’ effectiveness on the jobs. That means bad grades may point to a bad teacher’s teacher and not the student’s bad habits.

The World

What Your Credit Card Company Can Do to You

Conflict & Justice

For a look at how the new restrictions may affect we got here and what the credit card industry has done to perpetuate this kind of debt The Takeaway is joined by Dan Ariely, James B. Duke Professor of Behavioral Economics at Duke University.

The World

A snowball’s chance in this economy: How one bad economic decision can lead to others

Dan Ariely, a behavioral economist, has first-hand insight into how one self-destructive financial decision can thrust us into a downward spiral of many bad decisions. Dan Ariely is a professor at Duke University and author of ‘Predictably Irrational.’

The World

Dan Ariely on why we pay taxes (and why we sometimes don’t)

For a primer on what motivates us to cheat?and what keeps us honest?we are joined by behavioral economist Dan Ariely. He is the James B. Duke Professor of Behavioral Economics at Duke University.