Ann Murray

Working Woodlands for Carbon and Cash

When it comes to fighting climate disruption, trees are some of the most effective front line soldiers.
Trees also help clean the air and water. Now a forest management program in Pennsylvania is rewarding landowners for the ecological benefits of their trees.

The World

Working Woodlands for Carbon and Cash

The World

Grammy Goes A-Gatherin’

The World

Vanishing Tonewoods

The World

Carbon Capture

The World

Endangered Forest

A coalition of 300 environmental groups recently named the Allegheny National Forest in northwestern Pennsylvania the most endangered national forest in the United States. The site is home to the country’s highest percentage of forest land open to commercial oil and gas drilling. But while the government owns more than 510,000 acres of the forest, […]

The World

Longwall Mining

Longwall mining is a high tech coal extraction technique that accounts for almost half of U.S. underground coal production. But, in highly residential southwestern Pennsylvania, longwall mining is causing damage to property, people? health, and the environment. Ann Murray reports.