Andy Serkis

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is shown walking next to a green wall and wearing a red suit jacket.

Germany has ’emergency brake’ in case of virus surge, US shelves CDC guidelines; Iraq approves new government, prime minister

Top of The World

As Germany eases coronavirus restrictions, Merkel announced an “emergency brake” mechanism in case of a new surge. In Iraq, a new prime minister has taken office. Hunger among immigrants and refugees is another crisis facing the US. And as federal funds lag, Irish people step up to help Native American tribes. And, one stay-at-home trio has the tunes to get you through isolation. Finally, Andy Serkis offers an outlet for quarantine with a marathon reading of LOTR: “See, my precious, if we has it, then we can escape.”

Capturing the ape revolt in ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

New movie releases: ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes,’ ‘The Change-Up,’ ‘Magic Trip’

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Rupert Wyatt and Andy Serkis on ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’

Arts, Culture & Media