Allan Coukell

The World

Coral Talk

Snap, crackle, pop!  ? is not your breakfast cereal but the sounds of an underwater reef.

Coral Talk

Coral Talk

The World

Looking for the Grey Ghost

The World

Woburn Toxics Redux

The World


The kiwi bird is the national symbol of New Zealand. But the population of this unusual animal is on the wane due to a non-native, weasel-like predator called the stoat. As Allan Coukell reports, a kiwi recovery program named Operation Nest Egg has succeeded in increasing the number of kiwis by isolating the babies until […]

The World

Antarctic Seals

Reporter Allan Coukell recently joined a group of scientists on a trip to Antarctica. Their goal: to unravel the mysteries of the unusual mating behaviors of the Weddell Seal.