Home Planet/Air and Water

Solar Convection

In this activity from Lawrence Hall of Science, you'll use hot and cold water to see how fluids at different temperatures move around in convection currents.  Be sure to share what you've learned about the sun and convection during Science Friday's Science Club, using the hashtag #ExplainTheSun. Age Level: 10 and up  Time Preparation: 5 minutes  Activity: 10 […]

Map Sun Trails

The Fine Art of Toxic Waste

Spot the Sunspots

Make a UV Detector

Convection Can Be Pretty

Everyone knows the saying “heat rises,” right? Why does heat rise? Let’s use the example of water in a pot. Take a pot full of cold water and place it on a stove. Turn the heat on, and the water near the bottom of the pot gets warmed faster than the water near the top. […]

A 20-Year Dive Into Climate Change History

Here at Science Friday, we’ve been listening to scientists discuss scientific ideas for more than 20 years. In that time, we’ve witnessed many new ideas gain traction in the scientific community. Climate change is one of them. A growing body of evidence suggests that higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide—generated from industrialization and pollution from […]

Picture of the Week: Capsizing Iceberg

In a fjord near Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland, glaciologist Jason Amundson captured this 900-meter-high iceberg capsizing, ice crystals flaring up around it like stage smoke. A process like this can take about five minutes and send waves churning through the floating ice around it. “It sounds sort of like thunder, or trains in the distance,” […]

How Can We Clean Up an Oil Spill?

Do you want to try cleaning up an oil spill yourself? This experiment will help you understand why it is such a difficult task. All of the tools you will need are environmentally friendly and easy to find. Resource Type: Activity Grade Level: 6 – 12 Subject Area: Chemistry Topics: Observations, separating mixtures Time: 30 minutes […]

The World

How Dense Is Snow?

Scroll down for a quick way to measure snow density, then get out there and start scooping! Density is a measure of the mass per unit volume of a substance. Think of it as the amount of mass that a substance packs into the space it takes up. You can calculate the density of any […]