Gadgets & Geeks/General Engineering

Build a Cloud Chamber


All around you, and on every surface of the earth, there is radiation pummeling the atoms that make up the matter that we can see and feel. Even as you read this sentence, you are being bombarded by radiation. Pew! Pew! But fear not, it’s completely normal. This background radiation is safe. And though it […]

Write Your Name in Binary Code

Jet-setting Cephalopods

How Has Technology Changed Exploration?

Engineer a ‘Filter Feeder’

Squishy Circuits

The Squishy Circuits team developed this activity so that young children (including my own daughters) would have a playful way to explore circuits. Squishy Circuits use two different types of dough as circuit-building materials—one that conducts electricity well, and one that does not. Both doughs are made with readily available ingredients such as flour and […]

Balloon Rockets

This lesson and activity is part of the Chemical Educational Foundation’s® award-winning You Be The Chemist® Activity Guides, a free resource for educators and parents who want to introduce students in grades K-8 to chemistry and science concepts in a fun, hands-on manner. Learn more at   Target Grades: 5-8   Content Areas: Physical Science Activity […]

How Tails Help a Kite to Fly

Introduction Have you ever tried to build your own kite? Kites have been a source of entertainment for centuries for kids around the world. How do some features of a kite, such as its tail, affect how it flies? In this activity you will have a chance to build your very own kite—a simple sled […]