Are Bob Filner’s Days in Office as San Diego Mayor Numbered?

The Takeaway

Bob Filner has accused of inappropriate conduct by 18 women. After intense public scrutiny, the Democratic mayor of San Diego enrolled in two weeks of intensive behavioral therapy, which ended on August 10th.
But do enough of his constituents believe he’s a changed man to warrant another chance? Or will Bob Filner be pressured to resign?
According to CNN, the Democratic National Committee will vote on a resolution this week calling on Filner to resign.
“We cannot reassure voters that a vote for a Democrat is a vote for a champion for women unless Democrats walk our talk on equality and take firm action in accordance with our values and stand up for women by condemning his behavior and calling on him to immediately resign as Mayor of San Diego,” reads a draft copy of the resolution obtained by CNN.
Sandhya Dirks, has been covering the Filner story for KPBS News in San Diego. She joins The Takeaway to discuss what the next steps for Filner may be.

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