“We Are Here to Tell the Stories of Our Fallen Peers”: Teen Journalists Documenting Gun Violence

The Takeaway

“We Are Here to Tell the Stories of Our Fallen Peers”: Teen Journalists Documenting Gun Violence 

Hundreds of student journalists have documented every life lost to gun violence in the year since the Parkland shooting.

How Tackling Trauma in the Classroom Can Lead to Less Violence in Schools

School shootings from Sandy Hook to Parkland have opened new conversations about the best ways to take trauma into account in the classroom. But the issue goes well beyond shootings.

NASA Says Goodbye to Opportunity Rover 15 Years After Lift-Off

NASA is saying a bittersweet goodbye to its Opportunity rover, declaring it dead this week.

Amazon Walks Back Plans to Build Headquarters in New York

Facing steep political opposition, Amazon decided it wouldn’t be worth the $3 billion in subsidies to build a campus in Long Island City.

On the Power of Love to Bridge Divides

On Valentine’s Day, Nishta J. Mehra, a memoirist, reflects on the expansive role love has played in her life. 


Mary Claire Malloy

Scarlett Liriano Cepin

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