Can we ever stop leaks?

The Takeaway

Coming up on today’s show:

  • A 25-year-old government contractor has been charged with mishandling classified information. Officials say she gave a top-secret National Security Agency document to The InterceptJames Bamford, the author of three books about the NSA and a columnist for Foreign Policy Magazine, and Scott Shane, a reporter for our partners at The New York Times, explain what the documents tell us, and what we can expect going forward. 
  • President Donald Trump’s verbal dispute with London Mayor Sadiq Khan has raised the stakes on a strained relationship between the two allies, even as Prime Minister Theresa May seeks to avoid confrontation with Trump. Ambassador Robert Tuttle, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.K. under President George W. Bush, weighs in. 
  • Elections in the United Kingdom are just days away, and polls are showing that Jeremy Corbyn appears to be narrowing the gap with Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative Party. Dawn Foster, a columnist for The Guardian, explains what you need to know. 
  • A major diplomatic moment erupted suddenly yesterday, when a handful of Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt, cut all ties with Qatar. What is the Iranian perspective of the Qatari diplomatic crisis? Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council and author of “Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran and the Triumph of Diplomacy,” answers.
  • New Jersey voters will go to the polls on Tuesday in the first statewide primary election since the 2016 election. The primary is seeking to replace Republican Governor Chris Christie, and many of the candidates, including Democratic front-runner Philip Murphy, are running largely against the Trump presidency. Nancy Solomon, managing editor for New Jersey Public Radio and WNYC, examines the ins and outs of the election.
  • In 1994, Dr. Kelly Brownell put forward a radical idea in a New York Times op-ed: He proposed a tax on sugary beverages. Fast forward 20 years, and his idea has taken hold in countries around the world, and many cities here in the U.S. Brownell, who today is dean of the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University, says lawmakers can regulate the food industry by looking towards the fight against Big Tobacco.
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