Matt Clinch, CNBC

Apple’s quarterly earnings miss the mark

Apple releases quarterly earnings short of projection, creating fears about the firm’s longevity.

Oil companies to ‘bounce back’ after Hurricane Sandy: BP CEO

JPMorgan: Expect long-term damage in Spain


Food bank visits surge, not just for the poor


Why the US could face another brush with default


Beer and Africa: A recipe for profit?

Africa is probably the most attractive region for long-term profit growth for global brewers.

Why ‘Bin Laden’ euro notes should be abolished

The euro zone should dispense with the 500 euro note, which has found its niche as a tool for criminals, an expert said.

Glencore CEO: Russia a great investment opportunity

Foreign and domestic investors should take advantage of Russia’s resources and location.

Cyber security questioned after UK Huawei deal

A UK report indicates cyber threats can slip through the cracks

The World

$130,000 reward offered for planning UK exit from EU


The Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA) calls for submissions that outline how Britain could leave the European Union without undue friction.