Mac Deford

Change the debate format to let candidates question one another


Obama won this round, but Romney remains the “new” Romney.

Final Debate Reveals Differences on Foreign Policy


An election puzzle: why are moderate Republicans switching back to support the failed Bush policies?


Two ideas for rationality from the Obama re-election


Former US diplomat rants on Obama’s Mideast “kibitzing”


With a two-state solution dying, isolation looms for Israel


Commentary: Steadfast US support is a losing bet in the court of world opinion

As the Arab world careens, what’s Obama to do?


Commentary: Syria, Egypt and Gaza pose many risks and few good options for Washington.

Republican move to the far right has created Congressional polarization

Commentary: Governing by deadlines, deferrals, and deadlocks means Congress doesn’t do its job well.

Better days ahead? Only with the demise of the Republican Party


Commentary: White Americans will soon be in the minority, dooming the GOP.

Chuck Hagel brings a moderate Republican internationalist’s view to Defense Department


Commentary: GOP’s hostile reaction to his appointment reflects its self-destructive thinking on foreign policy.