Alix Blair

Alix Blair is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and an independent radio producer. Alix has led audio-documentary workshops for teenagers, worked at the Center for Documentary Studies, graduated from the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies and her stories have aired on many shows, including NPR’s Marketplace, Hearing Voices, Re:Sound, Here & Now, and The Story. Her feature-length documentary film Farmer/Veteran aired on PBS’ Emmy-award winning show Independent Lens. She received a Masters from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University in Human Rights and the Environment. 

a navajo woman in new mexico

On the 150th anniversary of the Navajo Treaty, young Navajo grapple with their traumatic history

On June 1, 1868, the Navajo Nation treaty was signed and almost immediately, the Navajo at Fort Sumner began the long journey home.