Alan Durning

The World

Green Refund

This is the time of year that, if you’re fortunate enough to get one, that tax refund from the federal government should be arriving. And the average income tax refund check is about fourteen-hundred dollars. Commentator Alan Durning has been pondering ways to put his refund to work for the environment. Alan Durning files his […]

The World

Tax Code Greening Idea

The World

Curbside Voter Registration

The World

Dreaming of Coffee

The World

Giving Thanks for the Lichens

The World

He’s Met The Enemy, and it is Us

Commentator Alan Durning’s image of the population problem changed when he started acquiring stuff for his new baby.

The World

Backyard Marvels

Commentator Alan Durning takes us on a tour of the “seven sustainable wonders” of the world.

The World

Better Busses

Commentator Alan Durning says that if buses were given “special powers” to avoid being trapped in rush-hour gridlock with cars, more people would choose to ride the bus.