Geo answer

The World
The World

For today’s Geo Quiz — we’re looking for an East African nation where a disagreement divides the First Family.

First Lady Lucy Kibaki seems to have started it — when she lashed out in public against the country’s security minister.

Mrs. Kibaki criticized him for his incompetence — and said a woman would manage things better.

PRESIDENT Kibaki then felt compelled to say he appreciates the good work the Minister’s doing.

Some say its a case of a First Lady stepping out of line — others say Lucy Kibaki’s right on target.

Lucy KibakiLucy Kibaki

“So as far as I’m concerned the First Ladies are supposed to provide extra good will to the office of the president but not come in to play any executive role she should not keep quiet she’s entitled to her own opinion, and she should be a mother to the whole nation.”

OUR question is: which nation in East Africa is it?

We’ll settle this score in just a minute…

A marital disagreement was one of the clues we mentioned in our Geo Quiz today.

It’s a case of he says, she says.

In this case it’s between Kenya’s President Mwai Kibaki and First Lady Lucy Kibaki.

So Kenya is the answer.

The first couple disagree over who’s to blame for two recent fire disasters that killed at least 145 people in Kenya.

Reporter David McGuffin is following the story:

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