After Moscow bombing, Medvedev fires police chief, heads to Davos (VIDEO)

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Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has fired a top police official over the bombing at Moscow Domodedovo Airoport, then left for Davos to open the World Economic Forum.

Medvedev canceled but did not postpone the trip to Davos in the wake of the Moscow bombing, which killed 35 people.

He arrived at Davis late Wednesday, and aims to reassure elite figures of international business that Russia is a safe bet for their  investment at a crucial time.

The Moscow bombing, believed to have been a suicide attack, is likely to unsettle investors not only because it underlines Russia's persistent security problems, but because eight foreigners were killed.

Moscow is observing a day of mourning on Wednesday for the victims of the bombing in the airport arrivals zone, Ria Novosti reported. No group has claimed responsibility for the bombing, which comes less than 12 months after two female suicide bombers from the volatile North Caucasus struck the Moscow metro, killing dozens.

Medvedev, In announcing the transport security chief's firing Wednesday, also lashed out at "passive" officers who guard the country's transport centers.

"I have signed a decree relieving [Maj. Gen. Andrei] Alekseyev of his duties as head of the Interior Ministry transport security directorate," Medvedev said Wednesday, adding that more dismissals would follow.

He ordered Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev to "shake up" the entire transport police to ensure daily transport security.

"If people don't understand how to work, we'll find other people," Medvedev said.

He earlier criticized airport security and said those responsible would be "punished."

Meantime, the New York police department has sent an officer to Moscow to collect information about Monday’s terrorist attack on the capital’s Domodedovo airport, CBS reported Wednesday.

The information gathered by the officer, who arrived on Tuesday, will go toward helping U.S. law enforcement agencies prevent similar incidents.

The New York police have developed a program for studying terrorist attacks abroad. The police officer who was sent to Moscow also works in Tel Aviv as part of this program and was in Moscow in March 2010, when two bombs detonated during the morning rush hour at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations, killing 40 people and injuring over 100.

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