
South-central Wyoming has some of the strongest winds in the United States. The Department of Energy estimates that by 2030, Wyoming has the potential to power the equivalent of 3.4 million homes.

America’s leading coal state looks to the wind

50 States

Wyoming is a coal state. But it’s becoming a wind state, too.

Now Playing: The Laramie Project

Arts, Culture & Media
Heart Mountain War Relocation Center

How two lives came together at a Japanese American internment camp


Looming budget cuts imperil National Park system

Global Politics

Powder River Basin coal companies eyeing Asian markets


Disputed art disappears from University of Wyoming campus

Arts, Culture & Media

Last year, British artist Chris Drury installed a controversial sculpture on the University of Wyoming’s campus. The 36-foot-diameter vortex of logs killed by pine beetles atop a bed of Wyoming coal was a representation of the state’s energy sector and the damage wrought by climate change. It didn’t last a year.

What’s behind the grizzly bear attacks in Yellowstone?


Grizzly bears killed two people last year in Yellowstone National Park. After 24 years of no deadly encounters, many people were left wondering what caused the fatal attacks. Some said global warming had depleted the bears’ normal food sources. Others say the answer is much simpler.

This week in Congress: July 7

Global Politics

A dramatic comeback by Sen. Kennedy, a Medicare bill switch, spending bills and political paralysis looming in Congress.

Oil Train Concerns in the Pacific Northwest

Plans are underway to build several port terminals in the Pacific Northwest that would transfer North Dakota oil from trains onto ships bound for West Coast refineries, but the recent oil train disaster in Quebec may put the brakes on the proposed projects.

The Super-Rich Look to Cultivate the Serengeti of Montana

When Lewis and Clark made their voyage across what would later become Montana, they saw a relatively untouched expanse of land that was home to bison, deer, coyotes and a panoply of native creatures.   Now, the American Prairie Reserve is hoping to recreate an ecosystem with that level of biodiversity. The goal of the American […]