Wind energy

Solar farm

An entirely renewable energy future is possible, a new study says


Every week we hear about more solar or wind resources coming online. New research suggests that humanity could accelerate this process and be running the world entirely on renewable energy by the year 2050.

A glorious pile of batteries.

Scientists are trying to make the perfect battery

A wind farm in Power County, Idaho.

For solar and wind energy projects, a new lease on land

Harwich solar panels

Doubling renewable energy by 2030 could save the global economy trillions of dollars every year

Caroline Kennedy visits offshore wind turbine

Japan has just built the world’s most powerful offshore wind turbine

A surge in wind turbines like these have helped Germany generate more than 25% of its electricity from renewable sources. Since Germany's electricity system is interconnected with most of the rest of western Europe, the overall percentage of this kind of

When the grid says ‘no’ to wind and solar power, this company’s technology helps it say ‘yes’ again


Too much renewable power? A German engineer comes up with a way to store excess renewable energy, take pressure off the grid and ease the way for the adoption of more wind and solar power in a country that’s already way ahead of most of the rest of us.

Wind turbines Denmark

One of offshore wind power’s best hopes is fading on Lake Erie


Offshore wind power has huge potential in the United States, but few wind farm projects are being approved. Now, a project on Lake Erie that once looked promising has lost federal grant money and may also be in jeopardy.Offshore wind power has huge potential in the United States, but few wind farm projects are being approved. Now, a project on Lake Erie that once looked promising has lost federal grant money and may also be in jeopardy.

Cape Wind project gets green light


Nantucket Sound offshore wind farm approved by federal government — what this means for the future of wind power in the U.S.

Catching the Wind, Part One

Wind has the power to generate both electricity and controversy. Advocates say modern wind turbines provide unlimited, pollution-free power. But critics complain the huge machines scar the landscape and pose a menace to wildlife. On our program this week we explore the advancements in the technology and the debate over wind power. Our story begins […]

Catching the Wind, Part One

Wind has the power to generate both electricity and controversy. Advocates say modern wind turbines provide unlimited, pollution-free power. But critics complain the huge machines scar the landscape and pose a menace to wildlife. On our program this week we explore the advancements in the technology and the debate over wind power. Our story begins […]