Weiquan movement

Ai Weiwei out of prison, stuck in Beijing

After being detained for 80 days by the Chinese Government, artist Ai Weiwei was released on bail. The government cites economic crimes for his detention, such as evading taxes and destroying documents.

China — the financial crisis and human rights

Chinese Authorities Ban Ai Weiwei’s ‘Gangnam Style’ Video

Conflict & Justice

Ai Weiwei’s ‘WeiweiCam’ Goes Dark

Conflict & Justice

China Artist Ai Weiwei Served With $2 Million Tax Demand

Conflict & Justice

Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei Named Most Powerful in the World

Conflict & Justice

“Art Review” journal has named Chinese artist Ai Weiwei the most powerful person in the art world. Ai’s detainment by Chinese officials this past spring brought an international outcry for his release.

Reasons for WeiWei’s Release

Conflict & Justice

What made Beijing release Ai WeiWei?

Ai Weiwei ‘Cannot Leave Beijing Without Permission’

Global Politics

The Chinese artist is also not allowed to talk to the media

Famed Chinese Artist and Dissident, Ai Weiwei, Released from Prison

Almost three months after his arrest in April, world-renowned artist and social activist Ai Weiwei was released Wednesday on bail from prison in China. Ai was arrested on charges of tax evasion during a crackdown on human rights activists, and has not commented on the government or his arrest since yesterday. He is perhaps best […]

The World

Ai Weiwei Controversy in Milwaukee

Conflict & Justice

As the local art museum plans to showcase Chinese art, some suggest bringing attention to the imprisonment of Ai Weiwei.