
American Icons: “Walden”

American Icons: ‘Walden’

American Icons

Why do we still read a book about a cranky guy who lived in the woods?

‘Walden by Haiku’

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Using Thoreau’s Journals to Track Climate Change

Philip Connors on ‘Fire Season’

The World

Thoreauvian Peace & Quiet

Walden by Haiku

Professor Ian Marshall used Henry David Thoreau’s prose to craft a series of haiku poems from the book Walden.

The World

Thoreau in the ‘Burbs

What would Henry David Thoreau have written if he had a wife, three kids, and lived in the suburbs?

The World

Modern Thoreau

Although Henry David Thoreau’s “Walden” was written more than one hundred years ago, commentator Tom Montgomery-Fate finds that many of its ideas are relevant today.