
Squirrel monkey

A cure for ‘colorblindness’ may be in sight


If you are ‘colorblind,’ you can miss out on certain common life experiences, like the beauty of a sunset; you can even be barred from certain jobs and vocations. A promising new gene therapy treatment may soon make these limitations a thing of the past.

It’s strange, but true — this is a praying mantis wearing 3-D glasses


Color-blind artist uses sounds to ‘see’ color

Health & Medicine

Mainstream tech opens doors for blind people


The art of perception of art

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Color-Blind Artist Neil Harbisson Uses Webcam-Like Eyeborg to ‘Hear’ Color


Color-blind artist, Neil Harbisson, uses sounds to see colors. He’s able to do this using a a high-tech headset designed specifically for him.


Host Steve Curwood speaks with evolutionary biologist Loren Cordain. Cordain’s recent paper suggests that diets high in starchy food may lead to near-sightedness.

The World

Launching a small business in a troubled economy

Amidst all the economic doom and gloom, we hear a story of one small business that’s actually working. Hilary Lanzer is a Takeaway listener and the vice president of sales at Ask Me, Inc., a marketing firm for travel services.

The World

A big vision for the future: a billion glasses for those in need


Josh Silver, director of research at The Centre for Vision in the Developing World, has been working to make it easier for the world’s most destitute people to get glasses and keep them, even as they get older and their vision changes.