
L.A.’s loneliest farmer’s market

Building a farmer’s market in the Crenshaw neighborhood of Los Angeles was a good start, but getting people to shop there is proving difficult.

Vertical lunch: To increase food production, crowded Singapore looks up


Food Deserts: A Mirage or Reality?

E. Coli Outbreak: Source Still A Mystery

Global Politics

LOE Garden Spot on Winter Seed Starting

Garden Spot on Winter Seed Starting

It’s the dead of winter in the Northern climes, and Living On Earth’s resident gardening expert Michael Weishan (weiss-HAN) says this is the time to think about fresh flowers and vegetables by getting seeds going right now. And, he adds, it’s easier than you might think with his tips on starting your own plants from […]

The World

Shirt Scraps

Sometimes when we harvest a garden, we take down more than fruits and vegetables. Commentator Linda Tatelbaum tells her story of the memories that are tied up in her crops.

The World

Shirt Scraps

Sometimes when we harvest a garden, we take down more than fruits and vegetables. Commentator Linda Tatelbaum tells her story of the memories that are tied up in her crops.