Vatican City


Vatican, China near agreement on bishops, but controversy remains


Full relations would give the church a legal framework to look after all of China’s estimated 12 million Catholics and move on to focus on Catholic growth in a country where Protestant churches are already growing fast.

Pope Francis sits next to Hindu leader Ndu-Kurukkal SivaSri T. Mahadeva during the Interreligious Encounter in Colombo, Sri Lanka on January 13, 2015.

Pope Francis shows pugnacious side: You’d better not insult my mother

Global Politics
Pope Francis

The UN criticizes the Vatican over its handling of child abuse cases

Lifestyle & Belief
Limburg cathedral and bishops residence

A bishop who likes luxury is getting called on the carpet in Vatican City

Lifestyle & Belief

Pope Francis Formally Installed as Pope

The World

Geo answer

The answer to today’s Geo Quiz is the independent state of Monaco. The Mediterranean city state’s ruler Prince Albert II announced he’s scrapping a multi-billion dollar plan to expand into the sea because of the global economic downturn. Anchor Marco Werman gets details from the Globe and Mail’s European business reporter Eric Reguly.