United Farm Workers

A farmworker, considered an essential worker under the current COVID-19 pandemic, harvests beans, May 12, 2020, in Homestead, Florida.

Farmworkers are getting coronavirus. They face retaliation for demanding safe conditions.


The situation at Primex Farms highlights the tightrope farmworkers must walk to protect their health and jobs while avoiding retaliation from their employers.

Migrant farmworkers harvest corn

Migrant farmworkers in US deemed essential — but lack basic protections

Farmworkers in a field

Farmworkers are now deemed essential. But are they protected?

Farm book

What’s it like to be a migrant farmworker? One anthropologist lived and worked alongside them.

Cesar Chavez, June 1974

What’s the legacy of Cesar Chavez?

Former farmworker and current Delano Mayor, Grace Vallejo, stands in front of photos of her fellow city council members. The city council is made up of all Hispanic members. "That's a huge change from back in the 1960s. We've come a long way." she says. V

In the town where Chavez began his labor movement, immigrants are now leaders

Conflict & Justice

Delano, California, was a rural farm town controlled by white farmers when Cesar Chavez first began fighting for labor rights there in the 1960s. The movement he began started a process that has transformed the town.Delano, California, was a rural farm town controlled by white farmers when Cesar Chavez first began fighting for labor rights there in the 1960s. The movement he began started a process that has transformed the town.

California writing Filipino Americans into the history books

Global Politics

Filipino Americans played an important and early role in reforming the farm movement — a role that hasn’t been widely acknowledged. A new law in California aims to put them in the history books.

Home of César Chávez Now a National Monument

Today the home of César Chávez will be a designated a “national monument” by President Obama. He’s in California for obvious reasons, but his itinerary takes him to a place called La Paz, which is where Chavez helped organize growers under the United Farm Workers movement. And it’s where his body was laid to rest […]

The World

Dolores Huerta discusses SB 1070 injunction

Conflict & Justice

Dolores Huerta co-founded the United Farm Workers of America alongside Cesar Chavez in 1962. She responds to the injunction which blocks major parts of Arizona’s controversial anti-immigration law.

The World

Immigrant farm workers ask Americans to take their jobs … please

In response to perhaps the most common complaint levied against illegal immigrants, the United Farm Workers of America is teaming up with ‘The Colbert Report’ to offer farm worker jobs to any American who wants to take them.