
Students in black caps and gowns holding inflatable globes in the air

High fees paid by international students help US universities balance their books

The US is the world’s top destination for higher education, with more than 1 million international students generating over $40 billion each year. Their families save up for decades — with their full-fare tuition dollars going to subsidize US students. The World’s Carolyn Beeler speaks to The Chronicle of Higher Education reporter Karin Fischer, who writes the weekly “Latitudes” newsletter that covers international higher education.

Job seeker Johannes Oveida looks over a brochure at a job fair at Lehigh Carbon Community College in Allentown, Pennsylvania, on Thursday, March 7, 2024. 

Open secret: Some international students in the US are going hungry

DACA protests

How can a ‘sanctuary school’ protect its DACA students?

View from back of classroom, with backs of children and teacher in front

In the age of Trump, fewer lenders want to provide this med student with student loans

Freedom University

How some immigrant student activists are tapping the civil rights playbook

University of Missouri

Big spending on campus: are pricey amenities driving up costs?


If you’ve been on a college campus lately, you might have noticed a few amenities – fancy welcome centers, golf courses, and saunas. Of course, these things cost money and therefore tuition and fees. But are they responsible for rising tuition?