
What’s in Your Backyard?: EDF’s New Toxins Website

Who are the major polluters in your community? As a citizen, you’re entitled to know. The government requires most high- volume facilities to report how much of certain chemicals they’re releasing into the environment. But these Toxic Release Inventory reports can be difficult to track down and even more difficult to understand. But a new […]

Living Downstream

Low Dose Makes the Poison

EPA Chemical Testing

The World

Emerging Science Note/Toxic Breakdown

Toxic Warning

Independent testing of New Orleans floodwater and sediment shows toxic levels exceeding EPA standards.

The World

Living Toxic

A home testing kit reveals our commentator’s body is contaminated with mercury.

Following the Toxic Trail

Living on Earth tours one of the most toxic neighborhoods in the Bay Area: Bayview Hunters Point, home to two power plants, a sewage treatment facility, and a Superfund site.

The World

Living Toxic

Katherine Mieszkowski, a senior writer at the online magazine, Salon dot com, explains why her body has become a toxic waste site.

The World

California Smoke-Out

You already can’t smoke in bars or restaurants or even on some beaches in California. But authorities could opt for even stricter rules if they decide cigarette smoke is a toxic air contaminant. Host Steve Curwood speaks with Living on Earth’s Ingrid Lobet.