
In this Sunday, May 24, 2020, photo, a Greek Orthodox priest distributes Holy Communion during Sunday Mass at a church, in the northern city of Thessaloniki, Greece, using a traditional shared spoon. Contrary to science, the Greek Orthodox Church insists

In Greece, a clergyman’s death reignites communion spoon debate

Sacred Nation

In the Greek Orthodox Church, one single utensil is used to administer the Holy Communion to the entire congregation. During a global health crisis, this may seem like a bad idea. But not according to the church.

Latino Catholics in the U.S. embrace Catholic Church’s new Argentinian pope

Lifestyle & Belief

Germans angered over Catholic Church’s decision to deny sacraments for church tax scofflaws

Lifestyle & Belief

Judgment Day May 21: Why are end times prophecies so popular?

Lifestyle & Belief

The origins of religion

Lifestyle & Belief

No Home Schooling in Germany

An evangelical Christian couple in Germany wants to home school their children, but the practice is banned in their country. They’ve asked for asylum in the US, but have been denied.

The Trouble with Depicting God

Depictions of the sacred are everywhere in modern American society: a white, bearded, and haloed Jesus on the cartoon South Park; a painting of The Last Supper in your grandmother’s living room; Mel Gibson detailing the crucifixion in The Passion of the Christ. But America is not removed from conflict over representations of sacred figures. […]

German Court: Church Can Force Congregants to Pay if They Want to Pray

Conflict & Justice

The outcry in Germany continues over religious taxes. The tax is levied on anyone officially affiliated with a Christian church or the Jewish faith.

Conversion: A Mexican Village’s Evangelical Shift

Arts, Culture & Media

In some parts of Mexico, Catholics are losing parishioners to evangelical churches. There’s no better place to see the religious context then Zongozotla. Reporter Monica Campbell visits the town where evangelicals are gaining ground.

Koran By Heart

Lifestyle & Belief

Young Muslims from around the world participate in competitions where they have to recite passages from the Koran.