Termination of employment

Economist says the American retirement system has failed

America is heading into a retirement crisis, an economist says. Most retirees haven’t saved enough money to retire and Teresa Ghilarducci blames America’s entire system for retiring.

Should you save for your children’s college education?

American Held Hostage in His Own Factory in China

Global Politics

Should We Bring Back Mandatory Retirement?

The World

At what age will you retire?

Conflict & Justice
The World

Should you save for your kid’s college or your own retirement?

College tuition has been rising steadily for years with no sign of stopping. Yet, at the same time, parents have seen their 401(k) funds and incomes shrink. What is the bigger priority? Saving for your kid’s college education or for your own retirement?

The World

Americans waiting longer to retire

A study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute released Wednesday shows that more Americans are waiting longer to retire because they are not financially secure.

The World

Strategies For Saving Your Job

Lifestyle & Belief

Is there a way to be proactive and stave off a layoff? Cali Yost, blogger for Fast Company magazine joins The Takeaway to talk about ways to save your job in this economy.

The World

Executive pay abroad

Executive pay has been a big issue here in the US, as the government sinks taxpayer dollars in to the financial sector. In Europe countries have varied attitudes and policies about how much industry leaders earn.

The World

CEO pay levels around the world

CEO compensation has emerged as an issue as Washington debates a rescue plan for Wall Street. Marco Werman speaks with Professor Brian Cheffins of Cambridge University about whether executive “fat cats” are a big issue in countries outside the US.