Television in Canada

Jump Street, Lives at Home, among big movie new releases this weekend

Arts, Culture & Media

Three movies out this weekend will try to scratch out some success before the Hunger Games blockbuster comes out next weekend. Of the three new releases, critics gave thumbs up to two, 21 Jump Street and Casa De Mi Padre, but panned the third, Jeff Who Lives At Home.

Slaughter Nick for President … in Serbia

Arts, Culture & Media

Cape Breton Mourns Death of Canadian Singer Rita MacNeil

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Canada: Land of Funny People

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Just for Laughs: Montreal’s Comedy Festival

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Relic collectors endanger WW II remains

Global Politics

An article in today’s Boston Globe reveals that rescue teams trying to recover the remains of American pilots killed in the Second World War have some competition. World War II relic hunters are interested, not so much in soldier remains, but in the downed planes. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with Globe reporter Bryan Bender.

The World

Geo answer

Arts, Culture & Media

For today’s Geo Quiz, we challenged you to come up with the name of the sea that’s off the coast of Queensland, Australia. Lisa Mullins provides the answer (the Coral Sea) and tells about the dramatic return of Sophie, a cattle dog that went missing there and was feared drowned.

The World

Department of Homeland Insecurity

A message from the government agency responsible for making you feel bad.