
Clear-cut forest near Eugene, Oregon

‘Finding the Mother Tree’ explores the intricate communication networks within a forest


An intricate web of roots and fungi connects life in an old growth forest, allowing ancient “mother trees” to nourish and protect their kin. In her new book, “Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest,” ecologist Suzanne Simard reveals what she’s discovered about these connections through decades of experiments with trees.

Symbiotic Relationships & The Circle of Life

New research shifts model on how forests contribute to carbon sequestration


Fungi make up incredibly important part of plant ecosystem


Trio of U.S. researchers traveling the world, documenting ants

The World

Science Note: Best To Be Eaten

Seeds that first pass through the digestive tract of a bird may be more likely to avoid predation by fungus and ants, a new study finds. Erin Weeks reports.

Canadian Scientists Suggest Plants Show Altruistic Behavior


Canadian scientists have found evidence that some plants embrace family values. These plants can recognize their siblings — and are “friendly” toward them. NOVA’s Anna Rothschild reports. NOVA

Close-Up Photos of Ants Show Species Diversity

Arts, Culture & Media

A team of scientists from California is touring European natural history museums to photograph ant collections. The images are being posted to a free website so anyone can study. Ari Daniel Shapiro of our partner program NOVA reports from London.

Radio Tags to Help Wood Ant Research


Researchers in Britain want to better understand the habits of the Northern hairy wood ant, one of the country’s more interesting ant species. And they’re going to use tiny radio tags to do it.

The World

Note on Emerging Science / Ants’ Social Immunity

By tending to infected nestmates, ants protect the entire colony from disease.