Journalists listen to a question posed by former US spy agency NSA contractor Edward Snowden, at a media center during Russian President Vladimir Putin's live broadcast nationwide phone-in.

Does Russia spy on the communications of millions of individuals?

Global Politics

US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden asked a question during Russian President Vladimir Putin nationwide call-in this week. Will Snowden’s question about government surveillance in Russia and Putin’s answer trigger a public debate on surveillance issues?

Journalists listen to a question posed by former US spy agency NSA contractor Edward Snowden, at a media center during Russian President Vladimir Putin's live broadcast nationwide phone-in.

Does Russia spy on the communications of millions of individuals?

Global Politics
"Don't Blab" warns this Soviet-era poster.

Snowden revelations lead Russia to push for more spying on its own people

Global Politics
Edward Snowden, is seen in front of the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in central Moscow

So what’s next for Edward Snowden after leaking NSA secrets? Apparently, a job

Global Politics