Shark finning

fishermen with dead sharks

The illegal trade of shark fin is thriving in South America


Peru is the world’s largest exporter of shark fins, according to the marine protection organization Oceana. The catches are usually sent to Asia, where shark fin soup is a delicacy that can cost about $200 a bowl. This lucrative trade is threatening species of sharks off the coasts of Peru and neighboring Ecuador.

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Global Scan

Shark finning proves tough to eradicate, even in ‘green’ Costa Rica


California’s shark fin ban outrages restaurant owners, seafood dealers

The World

California’s Shark Fin Battle

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

A New Friend For Sharks


For the Geo Quiz we’re looking for the city where Chinese basketball star Yao Ming urged people to stop eating shark fin soup.

Pushing for Sea Changes

High on the list of priorities at this year’s Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species is the Atlantic blue fin tuna and 8 species of shark, prized for their fins to make the Chinese delicacy shark fin soup.