Road safety

a crowded street in kampala, uganda

Ugandan traffic safety campaign uses social media to shame unsafe drivers


A new traffic safety campaign in Uganda’s capital aims to shame drivers into following traffic laws. And some drivers have changed their behavior.

New traffic lights in Vienna show male and  female gay couples with hearts - in red for stop and green for go

How can you make your city’s streets safer? Same-sex traffic lights, says Vienna

The World

Russia cuts its traffic deaths with tough fines —and upbeat ads

Lifestyle & Belief

Texas toll road debuts new 85 mph speed limit — tops in the land

Global Politics

New York pedestrians treated to haikus in an effort to improve safety

Global Politics

Mexico City Drivers Beware, Peatonito is Watching You

Conflict & Justice

Pedestrians in Mexico City don’t get a lot of respect from drivers. Now they have a champion: Peatonito. He’s a mask-wearing self-appointed “protector of pedestrians.” Anchor Marco Werman speaks with Nicholas Casey who met up the pedestrian avenger.

‘Crotches Kill’: Canadian Campaign to Stop Distracted Driving

Arts, Culture & Media

A racy new ad campaign aimed at distracted drivers is being rolled out across the Canadian province of Alberta. The slogan is Crotches Kill.

What Would It Take to Stop Texting While Driving?

We all know we shouldn’t text while driving. According to the National Safety Council, it’s the cause of 25 percent of all car accidents. And according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it’s six times more dangerous than drinking and driving. And yet, many of us do it. Psychology Today reports  that up to 97 […]

Should Texting While Driving Be Illegal?

According to a Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association report, roughly two trillion text messages were sent in the U.S. last year. Over the summer, our texting addiction came to the center of the national debate, when texting drivers caused deaths in Michigan, California, and Georgia. Thirty-three states have outlawed texting while driving. The Takeaway asks whether […]

Listener Responses: Cell Phone Ban for Drivers

On Wednesday  we heard from NTSB Chairman Deborah A.P. Hersman about a recommendation by the U.S. Safety Board for a national ban on cell phone use while driving. The recommendation states that all states should ban cell phone use for drivers.  We got a lot of listener response to the segment.  We asked two listeners to join us […]