Reactions to the Gaza flotilla raid

The World

Israel Consul General explains history of Gaza blockade

To better understand the history of the blockade, we’re joined now by Asaf Shariv, the Israeli Consul General to the U.S. We also speak with Philip Wilcox, the former American Consul General to Israel, about the larger implications of this confrontation.

The World

Peter Beinart on Israel’s complicated relationship with American Jews

Lifestyle & Belief

Israel to Strike Back ‘fiercely’ if Syria Attacks the Jewish State

Arts, Culture & Media

Author argues Israeli militarism is as much to blame for failed peace efforts as anything

Israel’s growing isolation in the Middle East

Heightened tensions between US allies Israel, Egypt, Turkey

Violent demonstrations in Cairo over the weekend led to an attack on Israeli embassy and the evacuation of diplomatic staff.

Relations Souring Among US Allies In The Middle East

Global Politics

Relations between Israel and its former Middle East partners have seen many peaks and valleys, but relations may now be at an all-time low.

Turkey — Israel Relations Imploding

Conflict & Justice

Turkey says it is expelling Israel’s ambassador and threatening to cut off military and economic ties with the Israelis.

Audacity of Hope Flotilla Blocked From Delivering Aid to Gaza

Conflict & Justice

Activists are again trying to breach Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip.

The World

Israel to lift blockade?

Conflict & Justice

International pressure on Israel to lift a military blockade of Gaza has intensified in the weeks since Israeli commandos stopped a flotilla carrying aid in international waters, killing nine activists. The BBC’s Jon Donnison reports from Gaza City.