Rafael Trujillo

The Dominican Republic took in Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany in exchange for a promise to develop the land. Franz Blumenstein rides a donkey in Sosúa, Dominican Republic, 1940.

The Dominican Republic took in Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler while 31 nations looked away

Conflict & Justice

A New Hampshire man stumbled on an overlooked moment of history: The forgotten Evian conference where only one of 32 countries — the Dominican Republic — agreed to help settle German Jewish refugees. The doomed Evian Conference is viewed as a beginning act of the Holocaust.

Leguisie Louis (L), a farmer, was born in Haiti but moved to the Dominican Republic in 1959. He's seen here walking with his granddaughter, Maxileidy. A  court ruling retroactively denies Dominican nationality to anyone born after 1929 who does not have a

There’s a long story behind ‘anti-Haitianismo’ in the Dominican Republic

Conflict & Justice
The World

Dominican Dictatorship Remembered

Global Politics