Radioactive waste

Three MIle Island

A former EPA director is pushing for wider use of nuclear power in the US


Climate change has become such a grave and existential threat that both scientists and concerned citizens say carbon emission reduction must be steep and immediate. This has led many people to call for more nuclear power as part of the solution.

Fukushima’s continuing struggles raise questions about America’s nuclear waste storage


Obama still trying to get green team in place

Global Politics

University professor developing environmentally conscious cement


A Venus flytrap for nuclear waste


Sequester Causes Problems for Toxic Waste Cleanup

An announcement by Washington State Governor Jay Inslee this week has nuclear energy watchdogs concerned: Six underground radioactive waste tanks at Washington’s Hanford Nuclear reservation are leaking. The tanks hold highly radioactive waste, produced over decades of plutonium production for nuclear weapons. The government spends billions of dollars annually on cleanup efforts at the site. […]

Finland’s Nuclear Waste Disposal Dilemma

Health & Medicine

A vast network of tunnels is being constructed beneath the Nordic countryside in Finland. It’s intended to safely store nuclear waste for up to a thousand centuries. Eventually, officials say, there will be no surface trace of the tunnels below.

Russian Fuel in NASA’s Mars ‘Curiosity’ Mission

Curiosity is powered by plutonium-238, a man-made nuclear fuel and only two places in the world have made a lot of it.

Should we Recycle Spent Nuclear Fuel?

France, Britain and Japan reprocess depleted nuclear fuel into a new usable fuel—but there are economic and political reasons why we don’t.

Dangers From Depleted Atomic Fuel

The spent fuel pools at the Fukushima site contain more long term radioactive material than the actual reactors. Some pools are now losing water and are exposed to the sky due to explosions following the earthquake and tsunami.