
Arctic Fox

Take our Arctic quiz

How much do you know about the Arctic? Take our quiz to test your knowledge.

Donald Trump meets Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the White House

Trump is visiting Saudi Arabia. Can you find it on a map?

The World

The Takeaway’s 2010 Breakup Quiz

Aerial photo of Middle Island, Ontario Canada

Of the following US states: Connecticut, Nebraska, and California, which ones fall entirely south of Canada’s southernmost border?

Arts, Culture & Media
Russian President Vladimir Putin sings "Blueberry Hill" at a fundraiser, 2010

Know your foreign accents? Try picking these global leaders just from the sound of their English

Global Politics
The World

What College Students Really Do During Their Summers

Arts, Culture & Media

Profiles of three US college students who spent their summer months abroad. Erika O’Conor learns how to sing Peking opera, Nishant Saharan visits remote Indian Kashmir, and Natalie Wiegand discovers her family’s Irish roots in County Kerry.

The World

Trivia Shootout: US vs. Canada

Arts, Culture & Media

Kurt Andersen and Jian Ghomeshi, the host of Q, the CBC’s daily arts and culture show go head to head in a cross-border cultural quiz.

tewt quiz

Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Arts, Culture & Media

A South American country’s rich folk life is on display at the Smithsonian Museum.

Defense Quiz: How Did You Do?

Did you take our quiz on military spending? Many of our listeners did, with a wide range of results. Some of the real answers were surprising to our producers, whether they guessed right or wrong. Today, we go over your submissions to the quiz, and talk a little bit more about the numbers.