Punjabi cuisine

a collage of photos from Kashyap's dinner

Cross-border meals connect people from countries in conflict


Ragini Kashyap hosts pop-up dinners around the world in an effort to showcase the underlying similarities between cultures that are separated by conflict.


There’s roti, and then there’s Trinidadian roti. And it’s awesome

Lifestyle & Belief

British cry foul over shortage of trained curry chefs in the U.K.

Global Politics

Making bread to fight the Taliban

Slideshow: Britain’s Curry Crisis

Conflict & Justice
The World

Geo answer

Arts, Culture & Media

For today’s Geo Quiz we were looking for the names of two countries. These countries are on different continents… literally oceans apart. But they’re closer than you think when it comes to cooking. We’re talking about India and Brazil. Some Chicago chefs have been combining the two countries’ culinary traditions, as The World’s David Leveille has more.