
Should we harm captive great apes in order to save wild ones?


An Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa has killed more than 460 people since February and is taking other casualties, as well — among wild chimps and gorillas. And some researchers worry that our animal research ethics may interfere with our efforts to protect those endangered animals.An Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa has killed more than 460 people since February and is taking other casualties, as well — among wild chimps and gorillas. And some researchers worry that our animal research ethics may interfere with our efforts to protect those endangered animals.

A scientific discovery falls out of this epidemiologist’s nose


New monkey species discovered in Africa, but future may be in doubt

Larger social networks — especially earlier in life — leads to larger brain development

Health & Medicine

Extinction Risk for Lemurs Greater Than Previously Thought

Study: The Bigger Your Social Network, the Bigger Your Brain

Lifestyle & Belief

A new study by researchers in the UK suggests that the size of our social networks affects the structure and function of our brains.

The World

Lemur Experiment

Lemurs are some of the most endangered primates in the world. Found only in Madagascar and one group of neighboring islands, these creatures have lost fully 90 percent of their habitat since humans first landed on Madagascar two millennium ago. But, now researchers at Duke University’s Primate Center hope to give lemus a chance at […]

The World

Of Great Apes

Commentator Sy Montgomery marvels at the similarities between humans and their primate next-of-kin.

Threat to Gorillas

Our closest primate relatives the apes are headed for extinction — and being hunted for their meat is the most immediate threat to ape survival. Conservation ecologist Dr. David Wilkie talks with host Laura Knoy about the “bush meat” trade.

The World

Live Long and Starve


Scientists may have discovered the key to eternal youth: starving. A new report says that strict adherence to an extremely low-calorie diet can extend length of life. Guest: Ricki Colman, associate scientist at the University of Wisconsin.