Politics of Puerto Rico

A woman with her right hand up is on the left side of the photo, a woman holding a book

3 governors in Puerto Rico? A plot twist beyond ‘House of Cards,’ says minority leader.

Wanda Vásquez is the third person to hold Puerto Rico’s governorship in one week’s time. The World speaks with Eduardo Bhatia, minority leader in the Puerto Rico Senate, about the state and future of Puerto Rico’s democracy.

As Puerto Rico Prepares for GOP Primary, Statehood Question Takes Center Stage

Top of the Hour: Earning the Latino Vote, Morning Headlines

The World

Obama Visits Puerto Rico, But Speaks to Floridians

Global Politics

Puerto Rican Parrots

Puerto Rican Parrots

The World

Battle Over Puerto Rico Bombing Range

Leda Hartman reports from Vieques (vee-EH-kuhs), Puerto Rico, on the protests against the U.S. Navy’s continued use of the island for a practice bombing range. Protesters are occupying the bombing range and demanding that the military leave the island, citing damage to both the environment and human health.

The World

Puerto Rico calls National Guard after surge in murders

We talk with Puerto Rico’s Secretary of State Kenneth McClintock about the escalation of violence and the call for National Guard troops to assist the local police.

The World

Puerto Rico primary

Global Politics

Fair Game news analyst Ritch Duncan examines what impact the Democratic Primary in Puerto Rico could have on the Presidential nomination.