Political satire

A detail from the cover of the 1962 comedy album “The First Family”

Making fun of the Kennedys


“The First Family” broke new ground for comedy by openly mocking — and impersonating — a sitting president.

Putin holding a Prez dispenser with Trump's head on top of it. Putin clicks it and intelligence chunks come out.

Cartoonists worldwide respond to an unprecedented week of Trump drama

Badiucao's political cartoon titled, "Parade." It depicts soldiers high-stepping in formation and exposing their pink underwear. (September 2nd, 2015.)

A Chinese cartoonist skewers the Communist rulers from afar

Suited up for the news, a cartoon by Slovakian cartoonist Marian Kemensky.

An international cartoonists’ conference shows off the artists’ wit and predictive power

The World

Cartoonist Emad Hajjaj Calls Arab Spring ‘Blessing and Curse’

Conflict & Justice

Jordanian Cartoonist Emad Hajjaj Draws the Arab Spring

Global Satire

Emad Hajjaj is a Palestinian editorial cartoonist based in Amman. He was born in Ramallah on the West Bank but has lived most of his life in Jordan. His editorial cartoons appear in the Jordanian newspaper Al Ghad as well as other Arabic language newspapers. They also appear in English through Cagle Cartoons. Over the […]