Plant reproduction

Huseyin Kara shows off his lush green olive trees, like a proud grandfather.

Seed keepers in Turkey revive old farming methods to confront new climate threats

Climate Change

Across the Mediterranean, gardeners work with heirloom seed varieties to adapt with rapidly changing conditions.   

British Beekeepers Warned Asian Hornets are Coming

MacArthur Genius fights to keep bees alive

The World

Science Note: Best To Be Eaten

Update: Study Finds Pesticides Dull Bees’ Sense of Smell

Bee Populations in Decline, Debate Swarms Around Pesticides


The EU is considering a two-year ban on a widely-used group of pesticides that have been linked to bee deaths in Europe and the US. The World’s Gerry Hadden reports.

The Seed Underground

More than ninety percent of U.S. seed varieties available in the early 1900s have disappeared, and a handful of revolutionary gardeners and farmers are trying to keep the rest of our seeds from going to pot.

Bee Honest

A melissopalynologist cracks the case of missing pollen in honey.

EPA Under Fire for Bee Deaths

Bee keepers and environmentalists have signed a legal petition asking EPA to ban a pesticide they hold responsible for massive bee deaths. The insecticide maker says that used properly, it’s safe for bees. The USDA is investigating to discover the truth.

Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

New research points to the link between a common insecticide and Colony Collapse Disorder that has wiped out many honeybee hives.