
An elderly white woman sits on a step, talking with two younger white women.

Lise Meitner — the forgotten woman of nuclear physics who deserved a Nobel Prize


Lise Meitner — who broke ground in the study of nuclear physics — remains obscure and largely forgotten. She was excluded from the victory celebration of her discovery because she was a Jewish woman. Her story is a sad one.

Physicist Alan Lightman on Time

Arts, Culture & Media

Hidden Worlds

Arts, Culture & Media

The Science of Time Travel

Arts, Culture & Media

Lisa Randall: Knocking on Heaven’s Door

Arts, Culture & Media

Hugh Everett Is Alive and Well in an Alternate Universe

Arts, Culture & Media

When he was 19, Mark Everett’s father died. But his big idea, a surprising interpretation of quantum mechanics, lived on. And if that idea is right, he might still be alive … somewhere.

How to Catch a Spacetime Wave

Arts, Culture & Media

Astrophysicist Janna Levin explains why it took scientists 100 years to confirm one of Einstein’s most outlandish predictions: gravitational waves.

It’s All Relativity

Arts, Culture & Media

The theory of relativity made Albert Einstein a household name. But coming up with the discovery was anything but elementary.

Hugh Everett Is Alive and Well in an Alternate Universe

Arts, Culture & Media

When he was 19, Mark Everett’s father died. But his big idea, a surprising interpretation of quantum mechanics, lived on. And if that idea is right, he might still be alive … somewhere.

neutron star collision

In a long-ago neutron star collision, scientists find a cosmic goldmine


Around 130 million years ago, two neutron stars — those strange, compacted cores of dead stars — collided. Scientists recently detected the signals from that collision, in the form of gravitational waves and electromagnetic signals.